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湖南省2009.7英语国家概况(二)---节选---Power, wealth ,and prestige are unequally distributed among population  

2009-07-12 18:36:15|  分类: 英语教学 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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USA: The differences of distinctive characteristics between races contribute to racial conflicts. Power, wealth ,and prestige are unequally distributed among population ,it resultes that class division often parallel racial divisions.It has been a severe racial tension that erupted into violence.





Test Paper Eight


I. Fill in the blank:


 1. American society is a stratified one in which ________, ________, and ________are unequally distributed among the population.

 2. The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the United States is ________ who make up

about________ percent of the population.

 3. Former President ________said that crime is America's "number one enemy."

 4. Name two of the illegal acts by the FBI: ________ and ________.

 5. Name two of the illegal acts by the CIA: ________and ________.

 6. The dominant group in American society that has taken control of economic assets and political power from the beginning of the nation is________.

 7. American slavery was finally abolished by________, ________ and ________.

 8. After the abolition of slavery, many states ________to keep the races apart in schools, housing, restaurants and public facilities, and kept blacks in the lowest-paid jobs.

 9. Those arrested for crimes are disproportionately likely to be ________, ________, and a________ city resident.

10.  ________ had tested variety of drugs, including LSD, on many people who were unaware that they were being used as ________ and had caused several deaths in the process.


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