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九年级英语总复习 近义词区别及练习 ( III )  

2007-07-21 01:01:01|  分类: 英语教学 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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  Book      Three
1. both  两者都                                                     all    所有都
     eg:(刘瑛和刘莉)她们都有14岁:(Liu Ying and Liu Li)They are _____ 14.
(山姆、吉姆、汤姆)他们  都有14岁:(Sam,Jim and Tom)They are _____14.
注意:both,all,each,only,ever,never, always,usualy等频度副词在句中的位置 ,放在“行前系后”。行为动词,实意动词 的前面;系动词be (is, am ,are , was, were)的后面 。
eg:(1)They both get up early. = They are both early  .
(2)She  always studies carefully. = She is always careful .
2.     both                                                                                       either                                                    
不用于否定                                                             用于否定,放句末(表“也不”)                   
常用both …and  …                                             常用either  …or…  或者…或者…         
both of +名/代(… 两者都)                           either of可放句首(表两者之一)
常用 neither  …nor… 既不 …  也不… 
neither of “两者都不”
me, neither   我也不          

    none  (of) +(单复均可)                           no one                                  one of
 常指“多个事(物 )不…”              常指"多个人不… "          (表多个中的一个)  
 回答how many                                  不与of连用, 回答who   
eg:(1)  (刘瑛和刘莉) 他们俩都在三年级:They are _____ in Grade 3  .
= _____Liu Ying _____Liu Li are in Grade 3  .√
 ______them(Liu Ying and Liu Li)are in Grade 3  .√
(2)    (刘瑛和刘莉)她们俩都不在三年级:
(Liu Ying and Liu Li)They are not  both in  Grade 3  .×
   Liu Ying is not in Grade 3,  Liu Li is not in Grade 3, ______ .√
_______ of  them (Liu Ying and Liu Li)  is  in Grade 3 .√
______  Liu Ying _____ Liu Li is in Grade 3 .√
(3)桌子里有几本书?什么也没有:How many books are there in the desk?   ______ .
(4)房间里有谁?一个人也没有:Who is in the room?  _______.
 (5)(卢茜和莉莉)她们俩其中之一在三年级: ________of them is in Grade3.
 (6)这些同学中其中之一迟到了:______ of the students is late.  
3.So+助词+主语     (…   也)         So+主语 + 助词       (确实如此)                         
eg: (1)  她起得早,我也如此:She gets up early , so____I .                                               
也可:She gets up early , I  get up early, ______ .√
_______ she and I get up early.                                                                                       
(2)   A:: 她起得早  B:确实如此      (A:She gets up early  B: So she does)                                         
注意:表示 “( 两者之一)也不…”用:Neither +助词+ 主语                                             
eg: 她没有13岁,我也没有:She is not 13, ______am I  .                                       
也可:______she nor I am 13.√   She is not 13, I am not 13, _______ . √
不用:Either she or I am ot 13.×
4.passed                                                  past                                                      
 动词过去时                            介词不能直接放主语后,必须和其它动词在一起
eg:(1)We walked___the park yesterday.(2)We_____the park yesterday . 
 5.as…as …                            (not)  …as/so…as
eg:(1)He is __ old___I  .   (2)He is not____old ____I  .
也可说:He is the _____  age as me.
6.(表达"与...一样"时,并不完全相同) the same... as         as…as …          be simmilar to
eg:⑴我和他(年龄)一样年轻   I am as young ____ he .
⑵我和他一样年龄 I am the same age _____   ______ .
⑶我和他有一样的钢笔 I have the same pen ______  ______   . (不是as he,as him ×)
⑷我和他看起来一样 He and I look _______    _________ .
⑸我看起来和他一样 I look ______him .⑹他看起来和他哥哥一样 He looks _____ his brother .
⑺我和她年龄相仿:I am similar ____ her. = I am the same age ____ her.
7. as  (如同,按照)                          like  (像…一样)           alike相像的(形容词)
 常用the same …as,  as…as         常用look like (外貌)           放在is, am, are 的后面
eg:(1) 按老师的要求做:Do ___ the teacher told you .(2)像这样放飞风筝:Fly the kite ____ this.
(3)我和你用同样的电脑:I use the same computer ____you( do).(4)像往常一样早:early ___usual .
(5)她和她的妹妹看起来一样:She and her sister are ______.√
She and her sister are the same. ×      She and her sister look ________.√
She ________ her sister.√(她看起来和她的妹妹一样。)
也可用 take after=be like(孩子性格外貌与父母相似) 表示:
eg:她性格和妈妈相似: She ______ _______her mom. She ______ like her mom.
8.play 玩,打(球),演奏(音乐)                         play with玩耍,玩弄
eg:(1)We often ____basketball on Friday.(2)They often ______a yo-yo after class .
9.already                                                        yet                                       still
(完成时肯定句)                               (完成时否定句,问句)          (不用于完成时)
“难道已…吗 ?”
eg:(1)他们已走了: They have ____gone. (2) 他们还没走 :They haven't gone____.
(3) .你还在北京吗?:Are you _____ in Beijing?
10.person                  people           humanbeing              population       man
个体的人         人们,人民          人类                           人口           男人,口语中也指人
eg:(1)你认识那个人吗?Do you know that _______?
(2)中国人民很友好 Chinese _____ are very  friendly .                                            
(3)你家几口人?How many _____are there in your family?
(4)地球上不仅仅只有人 There are not only______on the earth .
(5)人造卫星                         satellite .
11.because                                     since                        for                                              as 
理由较为充分,回答why         既然,(只放句首)      补充说明,第二句开头         由于,鉴于
eg:(1)Why are you late?  ______my mother is ill .
(2)既然大家都来了,咱们就开会吧                we are all here ,let's have a meeting .
(3)他每天必须开门,因为他是守门的 He must open the door everyday, for he is the door-keeper .
(4)鉴于人多,我们应该排队             there are many people,we should wait in line .
12.can                                                                                             be able to
能够,会(主观想法意愿)                                                经过一定的努力获得的能力,
(本身具有的某种能力)                                                   常用于科技文章中(客观实际)
eg:(1)她会说英语 She ____ speak English.⑵鱼会游泳 Fish _______ swim  .
(3)我们能从这种装置中获取干净的水 We _________get clean water from this kind of set.
We cleaned the classroom . We ____________study carefully .
⑸记住常用句型:_____ I help you ? = What _____ I do for you ?(你要买什么?)
你能看见黑板吗? _____ you see the blackboard ?
13.fill (动词 )                                                full(形容词)
容器+be filled with +东西             容器+be full of +东西 
某人fill 容器   with +东西
eg:(1)书包里装满了书  The bag is _____ of   books.(The bag is _____ with   books.)
(2)孩子们把书装进书包里 The children ____ the bag with books .
14.each (代词,形容词,副词)                          every(形容词,后一定要加名词)
两个或多个中的的每一个(强调个体)               多个中的的每一个(强调整体,大家)
eg:(1)每个学生有本英语书:Every student has an English book .√
   Each of the students has an English book. √
 Every one of the students has an English book .√
   Every of the students has an English book .×
(2)每一边街道都有20棵树:There are 20 trees on_____side of the  street .
There are many trees on_____(both,other) sides of the  street .(注意sides与side)
There are many trees on_____(both,other) side of the  street .(注意sides与side)
15. every  one+of                                                  everyone不加 of
16.have gone to  (去了没回来)                           have been to(去过,去了又回来了)
17.almost                                                                            nearly
不与not 连用(表示“几乎不”用hardly)        不与no,none,nothing,nobody, never 连用        
eg:(1)几乎没人休息Nearly no one took a rest .×       Almost no one  took a rest .√ 
(2)他几乎不说英语 He could almost not speak English. ×                                                   
He could hardly speak English. √= Hardly could he  speak English. √(倒装句)                          
18. hear of   听说               hear from收到某人的来信(= get / receive a letter from)             
19.whether 是否,后加(or )not                 if 是否,如果                                                         
20.used to                                be used to                                                          be used for
过去常常(=would)     被用来(后加动原),习惯于…(加doing)   被用来,加(doing) sth          
 eg:(1) We _____ go to school on foot.
(2)钢笔是用来写字的 The pen _________write .(The pen___________writing)                      
(3)我习惯于早起 I _______________getting up early.
21.(go)across 从表面穿过,                               (go) through
横过(沙漠,大桥,街道)              从里面穿过(森林,许多建筑群,门窗)
 eg:It's dangerous ;don't run ______ the steert .                                           
22.point to 指远处                                         point at指近处
23.send 派遣,发送                              send for派人去请
eg:(1)I ___  him a letter. (2)Her mother was ill, she ____for a doctor.
25. (be) in agreement = agree 同意
26.(be) in common ≈ together 共同地
eg: 一班和二班共同参与了这个项目  Class 1 and Class 2 take part in the project in common .
≈  Class 1 and Class 2 take part in the projec together.
27. come to top = get the first place 获得第一
28. join   参加某个团体,组织,群体                         take part in (doing) sth参加做某事
join in (doing) sth 参加做某事               take part in the competition(discussion)参加竞赛(讨论)
eg: ⑴参加英语俱乐部 join English club      ⑵加入到我们当中吧 Join us !
⑶我们星期五参加打篮球 We join ____   _____ basketball on Friday .
= we take part in____   ______ basketball on Friday.
29.search(后常接某地, 接人时指搜身)                         look for寻找某物
eg:(1)The  police ____ the hill.(2)I am _______ my pen.
(3)警察搜了这个小偷的身The police______the thief.
30.in the south of                on the south of                        to the south of
范围内的南方                       相邻的南方                         相隔的南方
eg:(1)Hunan is _______China. (2)Guangdong is______Hunan.(3)Hainan   is __________Hunan.
31.between (两者之间  ;用于边界时,可指多个之间)   among多个之间
eg:(1)Who is the baby ______your mother and father
(2)There are many bees _______the flowers.(3)宇宙中的空间 spaces _______the universe.
32.be made of(原料 看得见,编造,纺织) be made from(原料看不见,酿造,蒸,煮…)
eg:(1)The coat __________wool. (2)The wine _______ rice.
33.north 名词,形容词                    northern形容词,后加名词
eg :在中国北部 in the _____of China           in the _____part (places) of China  
34.在中国大部分地区 in much of China         in many places of China
某一国家是一种抽象的概念,是不可数名词               place 是可数名词,用many      
 much 既是形容词,又是代词,名词,副词
35.   recently     用于完成时    lately用于过去时,口语中用在否定,疑问句   presently用于将来时
eg:(1)最近你将做什么? What will you _______?
(2) 近一段时间你变化很多  You 've changed a lot _______ .
(3)近来你什么时间起床?When did you get up ________?
36. It  is   +   一段时间  +since +  过去时   (固定用法,不是 was, has been)
eg:学英语有五年了 It ____(缩写成It's) five years since we studied English . (不是 was, has been)
37.seem to do                     seem +形                 seem like 名词                    seem that+句子
38. get into trouble with =have a (difficult) hard time with惹麻烦
39.feel good about oneself=  be  proud of oneself自尊,自豪
feel good about doing 做...感觉好
40.treat 治疗外伤                       cure治疗内伤
41.agree with sb (one's ideas)     agree to do       agreee on (plan)
42.have nothing against ≈ agree
43.the rest of students= the other students
44.last 最后的               latest最新的               lately近来         later(on)后来
45.read (spea)aloud    读出声                       loundly(较喧闹,吵人地)
46. 较低级(本身含有否定,不再加not):less +形容词原形              最低级:least +形容词原形
eg: ⑴他较不活泼 He is ______ outgoing .  ⑵这个苹果最不好吃 This apple is _____ delicious.
47. 时光飞逝: Time goes by quickly = How time flies
48.As the name suggest  = get ... by the name of ...顾名思义
49. put ...to good use = make good use of充分利用
50. by accident  偶然,意外,不小心地      by mistake错误地,弄巧成拙的,弄拙成巧地
51. give me a ride = have a free ride 搭便车(免费)
52. I came very close = I only just made it to+地点 :我刚好赶到
53.marry 娶,嫁                            get (be)married结婚
54.get out of one's way to do  特地不怕麻烦做。。。(=try to do...especially)
55.As the name suggests =get ... by the name of顾名思义
56. 老实说:I have to be honest and say = To be honest(放句中时,前后有逗号)
57. not ...in the slightest = not... at all一点也不,根本不
58. as much as sb want = as much as sb would like to 如某人所愿(任由某人)...
59. had this to say = would like to say有话要说
60.Do...ever ... 近期做过...                           Have ...  ever曾经做过...
eg:⑴近来你听过英语广播吗? ______ you  ever _____ to English radio?
⑵你曾经遇到过电影明星吗?  _______you ever ______ a movie star?
61.定语从句,有时可省that is (are); whois (are):
eg:I like the kite(that is) flying in the sky.我喜欢在天上飞的风筝.
eg:make setences (while) using the phrasal verb用这些动词短语造句
(1)If ... should...  ,    ...     would...   (与将来相反)
(2)If  ... did ...   ,   ...     would ...  (与现在相反)
(3)If ... had done ... , ...  would have done...  (与过去相反)
64.短暂动词不与for ,since,how long连用
eg :这些树已死了三年 The trees have died for three years .×
The  trees have been dead for three years .
come→be in (here)      go→be out      leave→be away     borrow→keep    buy→have
die→be dead   arrive→be in    open →be open   close →be closed     put on →wear
begin →be  on    sleeep→be asleep    finish →be over     join→be in(be a member of)
get up→be up    
65.只加动原do的词: let sb do sth           make sb do sth       You'd better do sth                       
66.只加doing的词:  be worth ( in )doing         look forward to doing              be always doing     
dislike doing                 devote doing                    enjoy doing                    end up doing
give up doing                 be busy (in) doing              mind doing                 miss    doing     
consider doing              can't help doing                  make a contribution to doing       
spend st / sm (in)doing        finish doing           have fun (in)doing       feel like doing (=want todo)           have  problem (in) doing=have problem with sth       have a hard(difficult) time (in) doing 
 practice (in )doing         put off doing  keep(on) doing
see  sb doing  (看见某人正在…)   see sb do(看见某人做…全过程)
hear sb doing  (听见某人正在…)hear sb do(听见某人做…全过程)
watch sb doing  (观看某人正在…)watch sb do(观看某人做…全过程)
find sb doing  (发现某人正在…)find sb do (发现某人做…全过程)
68.既可用to do也可用 doing(但意义不同)
(would)like to do (某一次的)想要         like doing(经常习惯性)爱好
go to do=go and do(两次动作,有先后)go doing (一次动作)
 stop to do停下来去做另一事                     stop doing停止正在做的事
 forget to do忘记要做                                  forget doing本来已做过,但忘记掉了
remember to do  记得要做                           remember doing记得已做过
go on to do继续干不同的事                        go on doing继续干同一件事
take turns to do(轮到,临时决定,不一定有计划地去进行某活动)
≈take turns doing(轮流,事先有安排,有计划地去进行某活动)
eg:⑴Take turns being Tina(按照老师安排好的顺序轮流,有计划地)轮流扮演Tina
⑵Take turns giving your opinion(按照老师安排好的顺序轮流,有计划地)轮流发表观点
⑶We take turns to choose a movie (have lunch ).
It's easy to do...  要做...某事是容易的        
It's easy doing (being)已做过...某事是容易的(常用于反问)
eg:⑴ 学习英语是不容易的 It's not easy _____  ______ English .
⑵ 作一名新同学不容易吗? Isn't it easy ________a new kid at school ?
You think it's easy _______birth to four children ?
nice to do   要做...某事是快乐的                nice doing 已做过...某事是快乐的
eg:⑴(初次见面)Nice _____ meet you !
⑵(已经谈过话了) Nice  _______ to you !
keep sth done使某事被做                            keep sb/sth doing使某人(物)一直做      
have sth done 请别人做                                have sb/sth doing使某人(物)一直做           
have sb do = let sb do / make sb do (使某人作某事)
have  sth to do (have some bikes to fix up) 有...(一些自行车)要修理 
70. 标点符号:
eg: Tina says, " I am in Class 3." 
eg:  I am a student , my name is Tina .×
 I am a student . My name is Tina .   √
I get up at 6:00 in the mornig , we go to school at 7:00 .×
I get up at 6:00 in the mornig . We go toschool at 7:00 .  √
She  puts on new clothes , she  takes part in the competition  . ×
She  puts on new clothes and then takes part in the competition  . √
She  puts on new clothes to take  part in the competition  . √
eg:(1)He likes eating rice,meat,fruit ; drinking tea, coffe,milk .
(2)There are many books . We have cartoon books, picture books for cildren ; science, compter books for adults .
⑶ Our school is more and more beautiful , it make us feel comfortable .×
 Our school is more and more beautiful ; it make us feel comfortable . √

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